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Lampada Street


Lampada Street

The board game Lampada Street, which is a competitive variation of the original arcade game, has players take turns strolling down a number of different paths while simultaneously competing against one another. This game is based on the iconic arcade game. They have to make a choice on which of the three lights will act as a guide for them to follow all the way to the destination that they have set for themselves in order to achieve their objective. When they have arrived at that place, the light that they choose should indicate them in the direction of an additional street that they need to go on in order to reach the city of Lampada.

You can run by hitting any key on your keyboard, and you can jump by using the space bar on your keyboard. Instead, you may use any key on your keyboard to submit your information. You are free to hit any key on your keyboard in order to accelerate your movement. You will be able to do a leap by pressing the "space bar" button on your keyboard.

Lampada Street is one of the best Action Game you can play on Kevin Games.
This game works perfectly in modern browsers and requires no installation.
Lampada Street has been played by thousands of gamers who rated it 4.3 / 5 with 35 votes.

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